Saturday, March 15, 2025
Support Our Mission
Prayer Request
Thank you for being here!
Click the "Prayer Request" button to: 1) fill out our Virtual Friendship Pad (this lets us know who is joining us online) and 2) let us know if you have a joy or concern to share with the congregation and/or Pastor Jim.
Order Easter Flowers | Deadline: Sunday, March 24
Every year, we invite Valley members to sponsor Easter flowers in honor or in memory of loved ones. This makes it possible to have a bright, joyful Sanctuary on Easter morning! To order, fill out an Order Form in the Fellowship Hall or call the Valley Office. PRICING: Easter Lily (white) $12 each, Asiatic Lily (pink) $12 each, Azalea (bicolor) $25 each, Tulip $12 each (purple, pink, yellow), Mum (yellow) $12 each
Adult Education | TODAY | 11:00 AM
"Creating Caring Faith Communities: Five Things You Can Do" Kay King, NAMI MN Older Adults Program Coordinator and Community Educator, will help us learn about mental illnesses, the impact of negative attitudes and five things each of us can do to make Minnesota a better place for people who experience mental illness. Hosted in The Cornerstone Room - meeting starts promptly at 11am! Coffee and treats welcome.
Adult Education | Sunday, March 23 | 11:00 AM
Brandon Schorsch, Jewish Community Action Combating Hate Program Manager, will return to Valley to lead us in a discussion about Christian Nationalism to help us come to a better understanding of what it is and what is happening in our country today. | Hosted in The Cornerstone Room - meeting starts promptly at 11am! | Coffee and treats welcome.
*Drivers needed* Meals on Wheels | 3rd & 4th Thursday of every month | 10:00 - 11:30 AM
Valley has been a long-time supporter of this crucial service coordinated by our community partners at Community Emergency Assistance Programs (CEAP). We are currently looking to add drivers to the roster. Please reach out to GAIL SMITH if you can help on the 3RD THURSDAY or MARGE THURSTON if you can help on the 4TH THURSDAY. Contact info in Breeze, the Directory, or call the Valley office.
Wednesdays in Lent Fellowship | Wednesday, March 19 | 6:00 PM
We will gather for dinner at 6:00pm in Fellowship Hall, then come together for a time of singing, praying, listening for the Word, and discussion in small groups. The topic will be different each week, so you are guaranteed to come away with something new every time you come! Members are encouraged to bring sides and desserts! Last names A-L Dessert | M-Z Side dish
Y.E.S. Tea | Saturday, March 22 | 2:00 PM
The 2025 Youth Education Scholarship (Y.E.S.) Tea will be held on Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 2:00 PM. ONLY 1 SEAT LEFT! Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or call the Valley office (763) 588-0831
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Upcoming Events
All Events
Wednesday, Apr. 2 · 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Wednesdays in Lent Fellowship | Week 4
Join us for Wednesdays in Lent Fellowship time. ...
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Friday, Apr. 4 · 7:00 PM
Embodying Solidarity with Indigenous People by Becoming Kin
An evening with author-activist Sarah Augustine ...
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Wednesday, Apr. 9 · 6:00 - 7:15 PM
Wednesdays in Lent Fellowship | Week 5
Join us for Wednesdays in Lent Fellowship time. ...
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