Friday, October 4, 2024
Support Our Mission
Prayer Request
Thank you for being here!
Click the "Prayer Request" button to: 1) fill out our Virtual Friendship Pad (this lets us know who is joining us online) and 2) let us know if you have a joy or concern to share with the congregation and/or Pastor Jim.
Youth & Teams | Sundays 4:00-6:00 PM
Youth in grades 4th -12th are invited to participate in our Youth Programs on Sunday afternoons. Contact Sheila or Mariah in the Valley Office to learn more.
Fridays in the Valley | Friday, Oct. 11 | 7:00 PM
The Metro Brass Quintet is a standard brass quintet comprised of two trumpets, French Horn, trombone and tuba. They have been playing together for many years performing all styles of music around the Twin Cities metro area. Recent highlights for members of the group include performing at the Wurst Brass Festival in Amana, IA and the American Cemetery in Normandy, France. Free-will offering benefits Missions Inc and Home Free.
Valley Craft Club | Saturday, Oct. 12 | 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Spend the day crafting without distractions! Come catch up on a project, start something new or check out what others are working on for inspiration! There will be make and take crafts available. If crafting isn’t your thing, come for the fellowship or bring a book to catch up on your reading. / Bring a dish to share for lunch at 12 PM. / Sign up in the Fellowship Hall.
2nd Annual Ȟaȟa Wakpadaŋ Water Blessing | Monday, Oct. 14 | 10:00 - 11:00 AM
Please join us in honoring the creek on Indigenous Peoples’ Day / This event will include opening remarks by award-winning author Diane Wilson (Dakota) and a water blessing by Tanaǧidaŋ To Wiŋ / Blue Hummingbird Woman (Dakota). / Rain or shine, free, and family-friendly! / Registration is optional.
Ȟaȟa Wakpadaŋ Loopet Loppet | Saturday, Oct. 19 | 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM
5K Fun Run/Walk Starts at 9 AM! / The newly named Ȟaȟá Wakpádaŋ Loopet Loppet will maintain the marque 6-hour or 12-hour events from previous years (for the ambitious walkers) and help you connect you with the earth in new ways. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall to join the Valley 5K Walking Team! All participants must register on the Loppet website:
Valley Fall Festival | Saturday, Oct. 26 | 5:00 - 7:00 PM
You are invited to come together with Valley friends of all ages. There will be live game show-style games, a silent and live auction, bouncy house, cupcake walk, and more! Tickets will be sold at the door for food and games ($10 for a sheet of 12 or $1 per ticket). Enter a raffle for $5/ticket for a chance to play live games and win prizes! Bringing cash or checks is highly encouraged.
Stewardship Kick-Off | Sunday, Oct. 27 | 9:30 AM
DATE: Sunday, 10/27 | TIME: 9:30 AM
Kick-Off of the 2024 Stewardship Season will be Sunday October 27, 2024! It's the time of year where we are all asked to prayerfully support the ministries that have sustained us and show gratitude for the many things our Valley family does, both in the church and in the community. / PLEDGE DEDICATION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH
Trunk or Treat for PRISM | Sunday, Oct. 27 | 4:00 - 5:00 PM
A community event with a cause! Hosted by Valley Youth. Come to Valley, trick or treat in the parking lot, listen to music, and see your friends and neighbors! Bring pantry items for PRISM and help us fill the trailer with donations. Call, email or talk to Mariah Messer ( if you would like to decorate your car for the event!
Fall Clean-Up | Saturday, Nov. 2 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Time to get the church grounds cleaned up before the snow comes! Grab your rake and work gloves, we'll provide the wheelbarrows and yard waste bags. Hard work is more fun with friends! Hope to see you there.
Bridging Dresser Build | Saturday, Nov. 16 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Every year, a group of Valley volunteers get together to assemble about a dozen dressers for our partner organization Bridging. The dressers then go to folk who are transitioning out of homelessness. All skill levels are welcome! Sign up in the Fellowship Hall and reach out to Andrew Pitan with questions.
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Upcoming Events
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Friday, Mar. 14 · 7:00 PM
Boom Island String Quartet
Join us for the March Fridays in the Valley concert benefitting the GMCC (Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches) Minnesota FoodShare ...
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Saturday, Mar. 22 · 2:00 PM
Youth Education Scholarship (Y.E.S.) Tea
Visit the table in the Fellowship Hall to reserve your seat. ...
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Friday, Apr. 11 · 7:00 PM
The Bernstein Players
Join us for the April Fridays in the Valley concert benefitting the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative. ...
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